Sunday, 28 June 2015

Mini Twist Care Routine

I usually wear my mini twists for about 3-4 weeks. It is my favourite protective style as it is simple to do and very versatile. 

I would reccomend washing mini twists if you keep them in for longer than 2 weeks. As hair that is left without moisture is more prone to loc!

I always sleep with a satin bonnet on!

Week 1 

I do not spray my hair with water for the first week as this will cause premature frizz, instead I just add an oil mix to my hair every 3 days.  I may apply bantu knots or perm rods to style. I know this is counter productive as I am just sealing in dry hair but before installing a protective style it is best to DEEP condition your hair before hand. 

Week 2

I will apply water and aloe to my hair once and will seal it in with a mixture of oils. I will then plait it or put some rollers in it to stretch it. 

Week 3

At this point my hair will be very dry, so I will deep condition. I won't Usually use homemade deep conditioners as it can be difficult to wash them out.  I would take any deep conditioner and mix with some oil and honey. 

I then wash my hair and rinse with apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay rinse. I don't shampoo or co-wash as I try to limit the amount I use commercial shampoos.  I then apply oil or shea butter, if I feel my hair is particularly dry I will apply both. To dry I will put my twists into medium/small plaits. once dry it will give my hair a nice crimped look. 

Every couple of nights I will apply a small amount of oil and water to my hair and put my hair into plaits. I do this to stretch my hair as when it gets old it will starts to look frizzy.

Week 4 - Week n 

Repeat week 3. 

This is how I try to keep my hair moisturised.The longer mini twists are kept in the more chance there is that your hair will loc, Also deep conditioning seems to becomes less effective.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Cheap and Natural Hair Products

I have decided to stop buying expensive hair products and as I am not entirely happy with the cheap alternative, making products is my only option.

Sealant/styling cream- Whipped shea Butter
Unrefined Shea butter mixed with any natural oil. This is an excellent sealant and is very economical. 500g is about £9 and will last around 6 months. That's £1.50 per month!

Sealant- Oil
Extra virgin olive oil, coconut, avocado, jojoba, grapeseed, Jamaican black castor oil and castor.
This list is not extensive. Cheaper oils like EVOO and coconut oil are just as effective as argan oil in my opinion. Don't be tempted to splash the cash on argan oil as you believe it to work miracles. There is no actual evidence that argan oil even penetrates the hair.

Leave in- Aloe vera juice
Try to make sure that this is as natural as possible, it is great to use on freshly washed hair.

Cleanser (shampoo) - Apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay.
I will post a recipe for this but it consists of apple cider vinegar, oil and clay.

Gel- Flaxseed gel
I have the recipe up on here. This can be used for wash and go's, perm rod sets and twist outs. It is very moisturising which is something normal gels are not. 

Deep conditioner- Avocado, banana, honey, oil, mayo, coconut milk and egg. 
In various mixtures and combinations these items make up my deep conditioners. 

Moisture -H20- Water 
water is the only true moisturiser most products are designed to seal in water. putting a sealant on dry hair will only seal in dryness. 

edge tamer- water, coconut oil  and satin scarf
spray your edges with water apply a generous amount of coconut oil then cover with a satin scarf and allow your hair to dry for an hour or so. After your edges should look "layed".

This is what I will be using on my hair for the foreseeable future. 

Thursday, 25 June 2015


Do not waste your time and money on the phone to these people. they are extremely rude and will just aggravate you. communicate via the online form on their website.

Do not not be fooled by idol threats of bailiffs coming to remove your stuff. they can only come into your propriety via "peaceful entry". this means that they can walk through an open door or climb through an open window. they cannot break into your home with a locksmith.

if you have a complaint about a equita's conduct contact the council only do not try to complain to equita about equita. they are the most incompetent company you will ever have to deal with. 

usually they will give you an ultimatum to pay a ridiculous amount before they will even contemplate setting up a payment agreement. if u cannot afford this write to them via the online contact form with a formal payment offer. ask them to respond in writing if they reject send this to your local council as they may take back the debt. They will avoid explicitly rejecting your offer in writing, as they know this will lead to the council taking back the debt. If they start using their foolish tactics of skirting around the answer promptly COMPLAIN to the council.

Pay what you can afford, regularly. That way if they try to take you to court (doubt it). You can say you paid what u can.

Any enforcement and bailiff charges are not money you owe the council. Therefore it's up to you if you wish to pay them.

if a bailiff does visit your home and you are in. DO NOT even open the door or acknowledge their presence.  if you let a bailiff in your home once they DO have the right to break in on the 2nd visit. 

if you are expecting bailiffs put a notice of removal of implied right of access on your front door. this is a document which means anyone who want to access your home must do so by written request and must wait for your acceptance before knocking on your door. this can be found by typing "notice of removal of implied right of access" in google. 

these companies are designed to scare vulnerable people but just remember they have no real power and are masters at writing strongly worded letters to scare you. if you notice 90% of the letters you receive will have no signature. this shows that they do not want to be accountable for the almost false information the letters provide. 

think of them as a pantomime or a circus clown. They have little to no power and are a joke LOL.

Once they realise you will not co operate with there nonsense. They will send a letter which states they are sending the debt back to the council. The letter will state consequences such as "committal to prison". Whilst you can go to prison for refusal to pay council tax it is very unlikely and only happens in cases where you outright refuse to pay. Pay what you can monthly even £5 and this should suffice. 


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, the AUTHOR cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.